
Welcome To

High-Quality Translation Service

What We Do

Our activity is characterized by outstanding quality

resulting from extreme care devoted to sentence construction and terminology accuracy,

as deserved by the texts and documents your Company relies upon

General Contractors & Construction Companies

World's leading companies involved in the design, construction and operation of complex projects, such as power plants, roads and motorways, airports, sports facilities, dams, railways, subways, car parks, etc, both at bidding and execution phase

Property Attorneys

Patent and Trademark attorneys taking care of all the procedures (filing, maintenance, transfer, enforcement, etc.) regarding IP assets, authorized to represent clients before the IPTO, EPO, OHIM, WIPO, USPTO, and other IP offices

Any Other Entity

Any other legal or natural person owing due care to language and communication issues, firmly believing that translation is not a matter of words, databases and computer-science only ...